Fundraising A-Z

Fundraising A-Z

Our A-Z of fundraising ideas

Are you looking to host your own fundraising event but need a little inspiration? You’ve come to the right place! Take a look at our A-Z of fundraising ideas and browse a variety of fun activities you could do to raise vital funds for The Sick Children’s Trust. Your support will enable us to help families with a sick child in hospital when they really need it.

Once you’ve chosen your activity, (or if you’d simply like more information) please get in touch with our friendly Fundraising Team who will be there support every step of the way. We can’t wait to hear from you!

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z



Whether you tackle the UK’s highest freefall abseil off the ArcelorMittal Orbit or your local church tower, an abseiling challenge is a fantastic fundraiser. Don’t know what to abseil down? Lost Earth Adventures can take care of that with their fantastic abseiling options.


Do you have any collectables you’ve been meaning to clear out, or perhaps skills that you could offer? An auction could be the perfect fundraiser for you! You could even contact local businesses to ask them for additional prizes. Then, encourage your friends, family and colleagues to get bidding on all the fantastic items!


Bag pack


Find out if your local supermarket will allow you to pack shoppers’ bags for an afternoon. It’s a great way to raise funds and let people know about The Sick Children’s Trust. Our team can send you a collection tin for all those donations!

Big Chocolate Tea


Our Big Chocolate Tea fundraiser is fun and easy to take part in! You can organise a bake sale at school, host an afternoon tea in your garden, challenge your friends or colleagues to a bake-off or even arrange a street party. As long as there’s chocolate and tea (or something stronger) involved, then you’re good to go!

Birthday fundraising

Rather than receiving cards and presents from your loved ones, why not set up an online fundraising page and ask for donations instead?


(Christmas) concert

If you’re musically gifted or know people who are, a concert is a great way to raise money at any time of the year but especially at Christmas. Get your local community into the festive spirit and organise to sing carols in return for donations / an admission fee. Our team can send you a collection tin to have at the event.

Or check out our special Carol service in London in December Events.



If you enjoy sewing, knitting or card making, why not turn your hobby into a fundraiser and get crafting for a good cause? Selling your items couldn’t be easier with websites like Etsy. Simply set up your shop and donate your proceeds to The Sick Children’s Trust.



Cycle 370 miles in our Home to Home challenge!

Are you an avid cyclist or just a novice fancying a challenge?

Cycle the epic distance it would take you to travel to all our ten ‘Homes from Home’ from London to Newcastle. Find out more.


Dinner party

A dinner party is always popular and appeals to most people – who doesn’t love food? Why not pick a theme and invite guests to come in their best costumes? Or you could even theme the dishes. Ask guests to donate the cost of their meal to The Sick Children’s Trust and raise vital funds while cooking up a storm!

Dress up day

Fancy dress doesn’t just have to be for Halloween! It’s great fun at any time of the year, so why not do it to help others? You could encourage colleagues or school friends to make a donation and donate their best costume or even post pictures online and ask people to join you and donate.


Easter egg hunt

An egg-cellent idea for schools! Ask children to paint eggs and then hide them around the school. Charge an entry fee for the hunt and give a prize to the person who collects the most eggs.

Eco challenge

Raise money for The Sick Children’s Trust and help to save the planet at the same time. Why not get sponsored to give up single-use plastic for a month or maybe even longer? Perhaps your whole office or school could take on the challenge together?


Film night


Close the curtains, grab some popcorn and snuggle up with family or friends for a marathon of themed movies. You could ask everyone to donate £5, then sit back, relax and know that you’re helping to keep families with sick children in hospital together.

Five-a-side football tournament

Host your own football match or tournament! Charge players to enter, and why not let spectators donate to take part in a penalty shootout at the end of the match? We have Sick Children’s Trust t-shirts in pink and blue available to purchase too – great for team kits!


Give something up

We’ve all heard of Dry January or Stoptober but you can give something up at any time of the year. The big challenge is giving up something you love for a month. Shout it from the rooftops and get all your friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you. We promise seeing those donations come in will help you break the habit!

Golf Day

Contact your local golf club and get your clubs at the ready for a fun-filled day on the green. Ask local companies to sponsor each hole to help cover your costs for the day and charge a fee for team entries. You could also hold an auction at the end to boost your fundraising.

Don’t forget to check out our own Golf Day, we’d love to see you there! The Sick Children’s Trust Golf Day


Haircuts / head shave

Whether you shave it, cut it or dye it; the quirkier the better! Get sponsored for your new do and consider, setting up a live stream on Facebook with that all-important donate button. Seeing you make a big change for a good cause will draw the donations in!


International day /evening

An international theme is a great way to get people excited about raising money.  Hold an event about a specific country, or go ‘around the world’, and charge people an entry fee. You could even ‘visit’ a different country each month. This is a firm favourite in The Sick Children’s Trust office!

Iron Man


We dare you to take on an Iron Man Triathlon Challenge! Organise your own or keep an eye on the Iron Man website for the next event taking place near you.


Jeans to work day

Charge everyone in your office a small fee to don their favourite denim and enjoy a dress down day at work.


Get your best gags at the ready and make people laugh for donations. Why not make an evening of it and host your own comedy gig?



Hats, scarves, teddies, you name it! Knit something lovely and sell it for The Sick Children’s Trust. You could set up a stall or an online shop and raise awareness of your efforts via social media.

Karaoke night

Whether you love it or hate it, it’s shown to be a great way to raise money! So stretch your vocal cords and organise a donate-to-enter karaoke contest.


Ladies’ day / night



Turn your girly get togethers into a fundraiser and throw a ladies day (or evening)! Maybe you could ask your local beauticians to donate some treatments, or you could host a cocktail making session? Whatever you choose, ask your guests to donate to the event and see how much you can raise together.

Litter pick



Why not help your local community by organising a litter pick? You can ask your friends to sponsor you too – that’s doing double the good!

Loose change collection


We’ll send you a collection tin for your school or office – ask your colleagues or friends to pop in their loose change and see how much you can raise in a month.



Sometimes thought of as the ultimate challenge, marathons always raise lots of money. You can apply for a place in the London Marathon with The Sick Children’s Trust (places are limited) or take on one of your own choosing. And remember, a marathon doesn’t have to mean running – you could swim, cycle or even roller skate!

Matched Giving

Matched giving is a fantastic way to boost what you raise. Lots of our supporters have managed to double their fundraising thanks to their employer. If you don’t ask, you don’t get! Corporate Fundraising


Name the…

There are so many options for this brilliant idea! You could name the school pet or a teddy, or gather baby photos and ask people to guess who’s who. Tap into people’s competitive nature and charge per entry.

New Year’s Resolution

New Year, new you! Whatever you decide to take on or give up, why not ask friends and family to spur you on by sponsoring you? It might just mean it’s a resolution you keep!


Obstacle Course

You can organise your own or take part in the infamous Tough Mudder.

Office fundraising

Got a great fundraising idea? Why not ask your office to join you. We also have a range of ways businesses can support The Sick Children’s Trust.

Open garden

If you’ve always thought you were green-fingered, then why not show off your garden for one day? Charge visitors a small fee to come and admire your handy work. You could even get the barbeque going and entice guests to some delicious food to raise extra funds.


Pancake day

Whether you host a pancake party, a pancake race or a pancake tossing challenge, this fundraiser is sure to be flipping brilliant!

Phone Amnesty

It costs us £40 a night to support a family in one of our ‘Homes from Home’. We all rely on our mobile phones, but could you give yours up for 40 hours and raise £40 to help families with a sick child in hospital? 

Whether you have a competition with your friends at school or university or you and your family stop using your phone’s for a weekend you’ll be helping families when they need it. Phone Amnesty

Pyjama Party

Teachers and children get dressed in your favourite pyjamas or onesie for the day and raise vital funds for The Sick Children’s Trust. Sign up here.


Quiz night


Whether you go with a theme or general knowledge, organising a quiz couldn’t be easier. Find a venue, invite your friends and family and charge teams to enter – or you could even host a virtual quiz.

Quintessentially British Day

Pie and mash, Wimbledon, the King and bunting! There is an abundance of themes you could embrace for your Quintessentially British Day. Charge guests for tickets, sell British food or even come up with a forfeit and charge £5 every time someone complains about the weather!



A raffle is a great addition to any fundraiser, and they can even take place online. Just be sure to read the rules and regulations on the Gambling commission website before you get started.


We all love getting our heads stuck into a good book, but have you ever tried to read for a solid 12 hours? Take on this impressive challenge to see how many books you can read and just how much money you can raise!




Get some friendly competition going in the lead up to a sporting event or reality show. Or ask a simple question like ‘how many sweets in the jar’ and charge people to enter.



Embrace the fear and do it anyway! Skydiving is a hugely popular challenge despite the initial trepidation. Join our skydiving weekend for the thrill of a lifetime. Sign up here.

Sponsored silence / swear box

A sponsored silence for school or a swear box for the office… we won’t judge!


Tennis Party

Organise a friendly tournament amongst your friends or colleagues and crown the winners. Charge players and spectators an entry fee and sell strawberries and cream and jugs of Pimm’s to boost funds.

Treasure hunt

Organise a Treasure Hunt for family and friends, or why not see if you can get your local community involved? You’ll need a scavenger list so teams know what to find. Charge an entry fee and consider asking for a £1 donation for every item found.


Uniform day

One for the teachers! Sponsor your teachers to wear school uniform for one day and have fun ensuring they abide by the rules.


Let your imagination run wild as you repurpose your unwanted items into something new! Embrace the trend for upcycling and sell your creations for The Sick Children’s Trust.



Whatever fundraiser you choose, adding a virtual element is a great way to reach more people and boost your funds. Can you live stream your activity or host an element of it online? Perhaps you could hold a virtual tea party or quiz?

Vintage clothes

Instead of taking your unwanted clothes to a charity shop, why not organise a clothes stall or swap? If you choose to swap, then charge guests an entry fee and consider selling refreshments to enjoy as they swap.


Wing Walk

A Wing Walk is on the ‘exceptionally thrilling’ side of fundraising events! Not sure what the challenge entails? It’s all in the name… yes that’s right, you will be walking on the wings of a flying plane! We work with The Wing Walk Company who have a range of airfields to choose from.

Wax it

Whatever ‘it’ may be, this is a fundraising classic! Get everyone to sponsor you for a big wax and marvel at just how much your friends are willing to pay to hear you shout!

Wedding favours

Our pin badges or trolley keyrings make the perfect wedding favours if you’re looking for something different and meaningful. Contact us here to arrange these, please allow 3 weeks’ notice to ensure we can get them to you in time for the big day.


X-box / PlayStation / console night

Turn your favourite activity into a fundraiser by setting up a Twitch account and asking your friends and family to sponsor your very own game-a-thon. Can you game for 24 hours?


Yoga party

Yoga has been and continues to be one of the most popular forms of exercise so why not jump on this trend for your fundraiser! Are you a yoga teacher or know someone who is? Organise a class and donate the profits to The Sick Children’s Trust. Participants will leave feeling supple and pleased to have made a difference!

Year of challenges

Set yourself a challenge to complete throughout the year. Whether it’s a distance to run, learning a language or giving up that daily coffee! Doing something for 365 days shows ultimate dedication and is a sure-fire way to encourage people to sponsor you.


Zip wire

If you’re an adrenaline junkie, then zooming along a zip wire could be for you. There are zip wires all over the UK including Scotland’s Trossachs National Park or the world’s fastest zip wire in Wales. Find one that’s right for you and most likely to encourage sponsorship!

Zumba party

All you need to host a Zumba party is rhythm! Holding a sponsored event is a great way to keep fit whilst raising money to keep families with sick children in hospital together.

Email Newsletter

Every year we help families by giving them somewhere to stay near their seriously ill child’s hospital bedside. Sign up to receive our email newsletters to stay up to date with how your support is helping to keep families together.
