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Before your stay During your stay House visitors House facilities
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No, we never charge you to stay with us. Donations are very gratefully received but there is no obligation for you to give.
Due to demand, our ‘Homes from Home’ do not take bookings and are unable to guarantee accommodation. Following our admissions criteria, rooms are allocated and reviewed on a daily basis so that we can help the families who are most in need.
Length of stay in our houses is never guaranteed. House staff will review family stays on a regular basis and liaise with the hospital regarding certain factors: Is your child in intensive care? Is a parent bed available on the ward? How far away does your family live? Does your child have siblings? What is the expected length of treatment?
Newly delivered mothers are more than welcome to stay with us, however if they have given birth less than five days prior then they will need to have someone to stay with them until post five days.
Yes, as long as there is space available and they’re registered for fire safety reasons – please speak to a member of our house staff who will be happy to help you
All of our ‘Homes from Home’ are zero tolerance houses, meaning that illegal substances/legal highs and alcohol are prohibited and smoking or vaping has to be off premises. Abuse of the house facilities and threatening, disruptive or intimidating behaviour is also prohibited. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied at all times by an adult. Families must not leave the room unused for more than one night in a week.
Generally yes, as long as you still meet our admissions criteria and there is not a parent bed available on the ward. The only exception to this is that new mothers are required to be accompanied by an adult until five days after the birth. If siblings are also staying, please consider how practical it will be for one parent to stay and visit the hospital.
Families can generally return home for one night at time. Please make house staff aware if you need to do this.
In order to be able to help as many families as we can, we do require you to return your keys if your child is no longer physically in the hospital linked to our ‘Home from Home’ – the length of time you are away and treatment plans may change. We will of course do our best to re accommodate you on your return if possible.
Yes, we provide you with a fully equipped kitchen which includes fridge and freezer space to enable you to prepare home made meals.
All our houses have coin operated washing machines and tumble driers. Please ask house staff if you need change for the machines. We can also provide washing powder and fabric conditioner at a minimal cost.
Wi-Fi is usually available in our ‘Homes from Home’ for a small donation, or you may be able to connect to the hospital network. Talk to our house staff to find out how to connect while you’re staying.
You are welcome to receive post at the house but remember we may not be able to forward items on to you if they arrive after your departure. Please check your House User Guide for the full address of the house. Post for some of our ‘Homes from Home’ is delivered to the hospital sorting office and may require collection.
Some of our houses have televisions in the bedrooms but all of our houses have a communal lounge area with a television.