Corporate Fundraising

Corporate Fundraising

By partnering with The Sick Children’s Trust, your company will be helping us to give families with a seriously ill child in hospital a warm and comfortable place to stay when they need it most.

Why partner with The Sick Children’s Trust?

By supporting The Sick Children’s Trust your company will be helping us to keep families with a sick child together in one of our ‘Homes from Home’. A partnership with The Sick Children’s Trust offers a unique opportunity to engage your employees and will help us to support more families with sick children.

We will work closely alongside your teams to develop a mutually beneficial partnership, and we can offer many opportunities to staff, clients and customers. These include:

  • Volunteering days for your staff – we can provide your business with unique, practical volunteering opportunities at any of our ‘Homes from Home’, giving colleagues an opportunity to engage in teamwork with each other across departments, seeing first-hand the impact of their support and the purpose of what we do.
  • Inspirational employee engagement opportunities – through participation in our challenge or special events, which will increase staff morale and motivation.
  • Strategic, long-term partnerships that grow together, making the ultimate impact to both organisations.
  • A chance to strengthen our shared values, increase your sales and brand awareness.
  • Impactful cause-related marketing campaigns – increasing media exposure and improving your brand affinity as well as consumer perception, loyalty and buying behaviour.
  • Sponsorship packages – tangible opportunities to impact on our direct costs in return for prominent brand publicity.

We aim to have as big an impact on the companies we work with as they do on us. Our dedicated friendly and professional team are here to work with you to deliver a successful partnership.

Connect with our team today

Get in touch with our Corporate Team by calling 0207 6384 066 or email to find out more about how we could work together.

How your support will impact families

  • £40

    will provide a family with one night’s stay

  • £280

    will support a family for a week

  • £10,000

    average cost of funding a room for a year

Our ‘Homes from Home’ are located in Cambridge, London, Leeds, Newcastle and Sheffield, but the families we support come from around the UK, so your business will have an impact on sick children and their families from the communities where you live and work.

We have experience of working with partners of all sizes, local or national, from different sectors and with varying objectives – but the one thing we all have in common is the understanding that our families need our support.

The Bowyer Family Story

Between 2008 and 2017, the Bowyer family stayed at our Rainbow House ‘Home from Home’ on numerous occasions while daughter Evie – who was born with Crouzon Syndrome – received treatment at Great Ormond Street Hospital in central London. Since 2009 dad Ian Bowyer and his family have gone above and beyond in their efforts to support us, with Ian describing his relationship with the charity as being ‘life-long’.

Meet our corporate partners

Charity of the Year partner, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP

Charity of the Year partner, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP

The two year partnership engaged more than 75% of Weil employees in fundraising and volunteering, raising over £150,000 for The Sick Children’s Trust.

“It was a huge pleasure to work with the fantastic team at The Sick Children’s Trust – they are such fun to work with!  It really was easy to work with the corporate team, they understand the mechanics of working with corporates, and together we identified innovative ways to maximise the impact of the partnership, which resulted in Weil winning the “Best Charity Partnership – Legal” Award for our work with The Sick Children’s Trust. Our colleagues benefitted from volunteering opportunities which saw them meeting families through a series of cooking afternoons and house visits, seeing first-hand the difference their support made to individuals whose children were undergoing lifesaving treatment.”

Robert Powell,

Head of CSR at Weil, London

Charity of the Year partner, QBE Foundation UK

Charity of the Year partner, QBE Foundation UK

The QBE Foundation with The Sick Children’s Trust, far exceeded their original aims and fundraising targets, with the final fundraising total reaching an incredible £225,000!

“What a fantastic effort in producing the Foundation’s most successful partnership to date and what a benchmark for the future. The Sick Children’s Trust clearly captured the hearts and minds of staff, to whom a huge thank you must go for all their time and many varied efforts. The reward for us all is knowing that this partnership alone will help provide accommodation for families with seriously sick children for over 8,000 nights.”

Robert Nias,

Former Chairman of the Foundation

Get in touch

Get in touch with our Corporate Team by calling 0207 6384 066 or email to find out more about how we could work together.

Email Newsletter

Every year we help families by giving them somewhere to stay near their seriously ill child’s hospital bedside. Sign up to receive our email newsletters to stay up to date with how your support is helping to keep families together.
