RideLondon 2020 Cancelled
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic RideLondon 2020 has been cancelled.
If you have a charity place please contact us to discuss your options and read below how you can still help us to be there for families with seriously ill children in hospital.
You can still put your training to good use and complete this challenge virtually by taking part in our event ‘My RideLondon’. Making this challenge your own and unique to you, whilst supporting The Sick Children’s Trust. Here are some ways for you to take on your ‘My RideLondon’ and complete your 100 mile cycle:
- Around your streets or local parks
- In your garden
- At your home gym
- On a static bike at home
Please don’t forget to set up an online fundraising page and let your family, friends and colleagues know what you are up to in support of our work at such unprecedented times.